R.I.P Sage’s Law

* Due to a series of unfortunate events, the name “Sage’s Law”, which was what my co-author and myself titled this five part concept we believed would be a new gold standard to introduce to legislation as a way to finally address the pervasive crime of animal abuse, can no longer be used. Copyright restraints prevent it as it’s already been legally defined and identified by the petition that was prematurely  created to support it. Although I’m certain this wasn’t intentional, it was a matter of putting the cart before the horse and because the petition didn’t have the bill attached to direct it, it was dismissed along with the possibility of using the name for what it was originally intended. * E. P 6/13/17 

This concept of Sage’s Law was conceived 3/14/17 and finalized 4/1/17 in accordance of the prolonged torture, abuse and subsequent death of Sage the cat in Clearfield, Utah on March 9, 2017

Animal abuse is too broad a definition to address charges that should govern over certain acts of cruelty too henious and deliberate to describe in such general terms. In the killing of Sage, a family pet taken from his yard, brutally tortured, abused and assaulted for over three days, there is no doubt the person responsible is dangerous, disturbed and a clear threat to our society. Allowing this crime to be punishable by our current animal abuse laws is an undeniable violation of own own rights. It allows someone who is a certain threat to live among us, endangering our very existence as defined by our own human rights.


We need to recognize and address these crimes for what they are. We need to charge these types of offenders as we would for any assault, violation or crime against humanity that threatens our very existence and our right to live in safety  and protected under the law. It is our intention to introduce a new standard to address the most severe cases of animal abuse, respectively called SAGE’S LAW. Crimes covered under SAGE’S LAW will process as separate charges in accordance with the animal’s injuries as they would with all citizens protected by law. The charges and penalties would be consecutive. Abiding by this would mean EVERY KICK, EVERY BLOW, EVERY SINGLE HURTFUL ACT OR INJURY COUNTS AS ANOTHER CHARGE. In addition, this principle should be applied in any and all all animal abuse crime.

To bring this crime against Sage  to the attention to the legislative process, we have documented Sages injuries and matched them to the crimes as they are written in our Constitution. It can no longer be acceptable to tolerate a sentence and punishment that, under our animal abuse laws as they are currently written, might bring a charge of 0 to 5 years.


  1. False imprisonment
  2. Kidnapping
  3. Assault and battery – 27 COUNTS
  4. Toxic battery – 8 COUNTS ( caustic hot glue gun)
  5. Aggravated assault – 27 COUNTS
  6. Feloneous assault  – 10 COUNTS
  7. Aggravated sexual assault – 2 COUNTS
  8. Criminal sexual conduct in the 1st degree – 2 COUNTS
  9. First degree sexual assault – 2 COUNTS
  10. Sexual assault with a foreign object – 2 COUNTS
  11. Third degree sexual assault causing physical injury
  12. Second degree sexual assault w/ intent to cause serious injury
  13. Aggravated mayhem
  14. Feloneous aggravated assault – 10 COUNTS
  15. Attempted murder
  16. Aggravated manslaughter

These charges, when applied to a case if the victims were human, should bring a consecutive sentence far in excess of life imprisonment. In spite of the fact that these horrible crimes were committed against a cat, a pet who was indeed a valued family member does NOT lessen the severity or the obvious implications of each and every charge. These crimes can not be dismissed or summarized as animal abuse. It is obviously much more than that. To do so all but makes abusing an animal a sanctioned crime in the eyes of the law. We can no longer accept our laws to make this tolerable in any capacity. Adjustment under each state’s guidelines and allowances should bring a severe enough penalty to appropriately fit the crime. This kind of abuse can no longer be charged as if they are tolerated and sentenced like traffic violations or minor infractions



The option to be able to classify this as a HATE CRIME and add the additional punishment. The definition of a HATE CRIME is in accordance with our Civil Rights laws and as it’s written, is not exclusive to species. It should be allowed in accordance with this law.



Parents/guardians will be held criminally libel and accountable for the crimes against animals by their children. Too many parents of children who abuse, torment and harm animals are dismissive, indifferent or refuse to acknowledge how serious this issue is. I’ve personally seen kids kick or harm animals while their parents view this as endearing, laughable or just something they believe all kids do. When confronted  they react with hostility or contempt for the animal itself.

I believe criminal liability of any guardian of an abusive minor would make a much needed statement and a stand for the safety and sactity of our society. If parents know they WILL be charged if their child abuses an animal, I’m certain they’ll be more diligent and attentive in preventing further crimes against animals. Depending on the juvenile”s crimes, it should be mandatory they are charged with at least the crime of COMPLICITY, a class A misdemeanor.

The charges can include:

  1. Collusion
  2. Accessory
  3. Aiding and abetting
  4. Obstructing justice
  5. Failure to report – class A misdemeanor that result in bodily injury
  6. Accessory after the fact
  7. Child neglect/ abandonment
  8. The ability to use ACTUS REUS for felony criminal liability



In place of an a national animal abuser’s registry, which would be too labor intensive and has been suggested without success for many years, the information can be entered and recorded in a much more simple manor.

With each new abuse case, the information can be added to a community’s demographic database by the county clerk or the ‘data by zip code database’. This information is available online, in county courthouses, in real estate listings and Wikipedia.



Educating children from a young age in the public school system about compassion and kindness to animals.

Mandatory NAEYC  Programs in schools, started in Kindergartens and continuing on up.  The National Association of the Education of Young Children  sponsored programs to be implemented into our current school system making mandatory education about the proper treatment of animals.


Conceived 3/14/17 and executed 4/1/17 by

Edye Prince and Helen Bozovich